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香港新資本投資计划 CIES



澳大利亚/澳洲投资移民 Migration Audit FAQ
審計服務 Auditing


     香港新資本投資計 - 香港投資移民


1. 新资本投资者入境计划报告 / CIES Report
2. 净资产评估报告/ Net Assets Assessment Report
3. 获许投资资产报告 / Permissible Investment Assets Report
4. 安排房产评估报告 / Property Valuation Report Arrangement



(a) 年龄

(b) 计划的适用范围

* 外国国民;
* 中国籍而已取得外国永久性居民身份的人士;
* 澳门特别行政区居民;以及
* 台湾华籍居民;

(c) 净资产
申请人须提出净资产审查申请:申请人须向投资推广署署长证明并使其信纳在按本计划提出净资产审查申请日期前两年的整段期间内,一直绝对实益拥有市值不少于 3,000万港元(或等值外币)净值的净资产或净资本(净资产评估报告/ Net Assets Assessment Report);

(d) 获许投资资产下的投资
申请人须于本计划推出日期当日(即2024年3月1日)或之后对获许投资资产已承诺的投资。 在下列情况下,申请人会被视作已符合投资规定:

*由本计划推出日期当日或申请人提出"净资产审查"申请前第180日起(以较迟者为准)至获得入境事务处处长给予"原则上批准"后第180日的整段期间 内;或

申请人已经把不少于3,000万港元(或等值外币)净值投资于其绝对实益拥有的获许投资资产 (获许投资资产报告 / Permissible Investment Assets Report);

(e) 没有不良记录

(f) 其他
申请人能够向入境事务处处长证明有能力为自己和受养人(如有)提供生计及住所,而无须依赖按本计划投资的获许投资资产、或在香港受雇或自雇、担任 职位或从事业务或申领公共援助(视属何情况而定)所带来的任何收入。 此外,受养人进入香港时,须受当时适用于其入境的任何其他政策所规限。


1. 净资产审查

申请人向入境事务处处长提交"入境申请"前,须先向新资本投资者入境计划办公室申请核实他是否符合净资产规定。 申请人须自费聘用《会计及财务汇报局条例》(香港法例第588章)所界定的执业会计师,协助证明他符合净资产规定,及把净资产审查申请书连同履行规定文件和当中所列的 所有证明文件一并提交。 履行规定文件的签发日期与申请人提交净资产审查的日期不得相隔超过14个公历日。


* 净资产审查申请书: IHK-CIES01(3/2024) Application Form for Net Assets Assessment
* 净资产评估报告 Net Assets Assessment Report (由执业会计师发出)

2. 投资规定审查

申请人须投资最少3,000万港元(或等值外币)净值于获许投资资产。 在本计划推出日期前购入的资产不会计入符合最低投资门槛的要求。 申请人/投资者须投资最少2,700万港元于下列任何获许金融资产及/或下文所指的非住宅房地产。 本计划的申请人亦须向下文所指的资本投资者入境计划投资组合投入300万港元。

在规定的投资期间内完成已承诺的投资后,申请人须先向新资本投资者入境计划办公室申请核实他是否符合投资规定。 申请人须自费聘用《会计及财务汇报局条例》(香港法例第588章)所界定的执业会计师,协助证明他符合投资规定,及把申请书连同履行规定文件和当中所列的所有证明文件一 并提交。


* 投资规定审查申请书: IHK-CIES02(3/2024) Application Form for Assessment on Investment Requirements
* 获许投资资产报告 Permissible Investment Assets Report (由执业会计师发出)

3. 投资管理规定审查

申请人/投资者须在获得"正式批准"参加本计划的首个周年日后及在其后每个周年日后,自费聘用《会计及财务汇报局条例》(香港法例第588章)所界定的执业 会计师,协助证明他符合投资管理规定。 申请人/投资者须在首个周年日后及在其后每个周年日后的一个月内,把履行规定文件和当中所列的所有证明文件一并提交新资本投资者入境计划办公室。


* 符合投资管理规定第6.2的相关证明文件

新资本投资者入境计划报告 / CIES Report
净资产评估报告/ Net Assets Assessment Report 的文件清单

银行存款(即储蓄及定期存款) Bank deposits (i.e. Savings and time deposits)

  1. 银行帐户月结单/银行存折 Monthly statement of bank account/Bank passbook
  2. 银行发出的证明信 Reference letter from the bank
  3. 银行发出的存款证 Certificate of deposit from the bank

证券、债券及基金 Securities, bonds and funds

  1. 证券帐户月结单 Monthly statement of the securities account
  2. 证券公司发出的证明信Reference letter from the securities company
  3. 申请人与证券公司在开设帐户时簧订的合约 (只限内地) Contract signed between the applicant and securities company in the time of account opening (for Mainland)
  4. 公证处发出的公证书,以核实证券公司在月结单/证明信上的印章是否真确(只限内地) Notarial certificate from the Public Notary Office in verifying the authenticity of the stamps in the monthly statement/reference letter from the securities company (for Mainland)
  5. 获香港执业会计师接纳的由估值师发出的估价报告害(资产如非在公共交易所买贾) Written valuation report from a valuer acceptable to a Certified Public Accountant (Practising) in Hong Kong (for assets not traded on a public exchange)

房地产 Real estate

  1. 注明房地产拥有权的土地注册记录 Land registry record showing the real estate ownership
  2. 房地产权证(城市物业, 只限内地) Real estate ownership certificate (real estate in city, for Mainland)
  3. 国有土地使用权证(乡郊土地, 只限内地) National-owned land use permit (land in the countryside, for Mainland)
  4. 按揭契据(如有) Mortgage deed (if any)
  5. 获香港执业会计师接纳的由估值师发出的估价报告书 Written valuation report from a valuer acceptable to a Certified Public Accountant (Practising) in Hong Kong (安排房产评估报告 / Property Valuation Report Arrangement)

公司股份 Shares in company

  1. 已递交至公司注册处的周年申报表/官方机构发出有关申请人的公司拥有权证明 (只限香港及海外) Annual Return filed to the Companies
    Registry/The applicant's ownership proof from the official authority (for HK/overseas)
  2. 企业法人营业执照 (只限内地) Enterprise Legal Representative Business License (for Mainland)
  3. 验资报告(如有, 只限内地) Capital verification report (if any, for Mainland)
  4. 工商行政管理局列印的最新公司资料 (只限内地) Latest company information print-out from Administration for Industry and Commerce (for Mainland)
  5. 股票、职权证明书及公司注册证明书 (只限英属维尔京群岛) Share certificate, certificate of incumbency and certificate of corporation (for BVI)
  6. 审计师报告 Auditor's report

其 他 (请注明) Others (please specify)

  1. 获香港执业会计师接纳的由估值师发出的估价报告书(资产如非在公共交易所买卖) Written valuation report from a valuer acceptable to a Certified Public Accountant (Practising)in Hong Kong(for assets not traded on a public exchange)
  2. 可证明资产市值及申请人绝对实益拥有资产的文件 Documentary evidence in certifying the market value and the applicant's absolute beneficial entitlement on the assets

新资本投资者入境计划报告 / CIES Report
获许投资资产报告 / Permissible Investment Assets Report 的文件清单

股票、债务证券、后偿债项及合资格集体投资计划 Equities, debt securities, subordinated debt and eligible collective investment schemes

  1. 注明申请人投资金额,由金融机构发出的成交单据/收据/结单 Contract note/receipt/statement issued by the financial institution showing the amount invested by the applicant
  2. 金融机构发出的证明信Reference letter from the financial institution

存款证 Certificates of deposits

  1. 银行发出的存款证 Certificate of deposit from the bank
  2. 银行发出的证明信 Reference letter from the bank

有限合伙基金的拥有权权益 Ownership interest in limited partnership funds

  1. 合伙协议Partnership agreement
  2. 审计师报告Auditor's report
  3. 可证明申请人投资金额的文件 Documentary evidence in certifying the amount invested by the applicant

非住宅房地产 Non-residential real estate

  1. 注明房地产拥有权及买入价的土地注册处记录 Land Registry record showing the ownership and purchase price of the real estate
  2. 按揭契据(如有)Mortgage deed (if any
  3. 商业登记册内资料的摘录(如房地产由申请人名下的独资企业拥有) Extract of information on the Business Register(if the real estate is held through a sole proprietorship under the applicant's name)
  4. 已递交至公司注册处的周年申报表/官方机构发出有关申请人的公司拥有权证明(如房地产由申请人担任唯一股东的公司拥有) Annual Return filed to the Companies Registry/The applicant's ownership proof from the official authority (if the real estate is held through a company of which the applicant is the sole shareholder)

资本投资者入境计划投资组合 CIES Investment Portfolio

  1. 可证明申请人投资款额的文件(如申请人向资本投资者入境计划投资组合投入港币三百万元) Documentary evidence in certifying the amount invested by the applicant (if the applicant has placed HK$3 million into the CIES Investment Portfolio
  2. 银行帐户月结单/银行存折(如申请人已将港币三百万元现金存于他所委聘的金融中介机构开立的指定帐户,以便日后投入资本投资者入境计划投资组合) Monthly statement of bank account/Bank passbook (if the applicant has deposited cash of HK$3 million to the designated account opened with his appointed financial intermediary for subsequent placing into the CIES Investment Portfolio)


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